
有關九型性格 Enneagram 和基督信仰衝突的文章

「聖神內更新團體」 主席 蘇信超先生 Sammy Sou
所寫有關九型性格 Enneagram 和基督信仰衝突的文章:

分辨Enneagram和 新紀元(New Age)運動的危害

分辨 Enneagram(簡短版 一 及 二)

為何教廷文件指定Enneagram九型人格出了問題 (綜合分辨 - 精要/更新版)

從教會保存純真的基督信仰角度去全面分辨一件事情 (綜合分辨 - 詳盡版)

Enneagram 與新紀元(回應徐志忠神父11月公教報文章)

由畢華神父 Fr. Mitchell Pacwa S.J.
所寫有關九型性格 Enneagram 和基督信仰出現衝突的文章

What Is the Problem With the Enneagram? (Paper 1)

The Enneagram (Paper 2)
Tell Me Who I Am, O Enneagram (an article from the Christian Research Journal, Fall 1991, page 14)

Enneagram: A Modern Myth

Enneagram: A Modern Myth 的中譯本 >> "九點陣規圖:一個現代的迷思" 在下文可以找到
是秀英姐 分辨九種人格 (Enneagram) 和新紀元(New Age)運動的危害

The Enneagram: Spirituality It Is Not

Catholics and the New Age: How Good People Are Being Drawn into Jungian Psychology, the Enneagram, and the Age of Aquarius

關於畢華神父 Fr. Mitchell Pacwa S.J.

Father Mitchell Pacwa, S.J. - Curriculum Vitae and Publications

教會內一些反對九型性格 Enneagram 的文章或事件

A New Face in Sydney - Banning of Enneagram in a diocese in Australia (Sept 28, 2001)

A Brief Report on the Origins of the Enneagram - Draft from the U.S. bishops' Secretariat (posted October 19, 2000)

Memorandum from J. Augustine Di Noia, OP regarding: Draft of a Report on the Enneagram (July 7, 2000)

The Enneagram Theory of Personality - Why it's use is incompatible with Christianity (from the January/February 1999 issue of St. Catherine Review)
